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A girl with a 3D printer. Eccomi a parlarvi della Makerfaire di Roma, appena conclusa che ci ha non poco stressato sia per la preparazione che per la partecipazione! Il Fab Lab di Trieste. Il nostro insettino camminatore è il successore di alcuni già apparsi su thingiverse. Potete scaricare gli stl da thingiverse a questo link. Ho scoperto proprio oggi poi che a Taipei ne hanno realizzato un piccolo esercito. La breadboard in sè consiste di una base.
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The most interesting filament store in the UK! When you have finished browsing through our extensive filament range. Why not visit our unique filament sample shop. Welcome to 3D FilaPrint and our wonderful comprehensive range of filaments. In addition to whole spools, we also sell 5 and 10 metre filament sample wraps of every filament type in both 1. If you would like to place an overseas order.
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A source for 3D printing information. Meetups, User Groups and Expos. This a project to record 3D printing technology. Read more about 3D Virtualization Project.
Additive World Conference provides solutions to obstacles faced in Industrial 3D Metal Printing. E-Move and Bremen University winners of the Design for Additive Manufacturing Challenge 2015.
Library and Information Science Coursework. Arden Kirkland, MSLIS, MFA, CAS. I am a digital librarian working at the intersection of digital scholarship and instructional technology. I hold an MSLIS from the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, along with an MFA and a C.
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Criação de Lojas Virtuais em Chapecó e Cruz Alta. Desenvolvemos sites sofisticados, criativos e funcionais. Conheça as características da nossa solução de e-commerce para atacado e varejo. Desenvolvemos aplicativos móveis personalizados para Android e iOS. Criação de sites em Chapecó e Cruz Alta. Nossos projetos são originais, exclusivos e criativos. Os cinco canais de varejo que serão essenciais até 2020. Pela obra se conhece o autor.
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